Re: [Emerald] Not pro-rateing new service properly

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Mon, 02 Aug 1999 16:37:50 -0700

Charles Tomala wrote:
> I have had an issue with the way that Emerald pro-rates services for quite a
> while. It seems that when we have an existing customer and add a new
> service that the program has great difficulty getting the price of the new
> service correct. In the past the invoices have over-billed the customer,
> causing us to go in and manually edit the balance. Now we are experiencing
> the opposite, where Emerald under-bills for the period of service.
> This has been happening for a number of months and there seems to be no
> solution in sight. Has anyone else noticed this problem? It seems
> difficult to think that we are the only ones that are having this happen. I
> believe that we are now loosing hundreds if not thousands of dollars in
> services that are provided yet remain unbilled. This has been ongoing for
> far too long, and we have noticed it in just about every recent version of
> the program (2.5.263, .278, .285, .287). Now we are using 2.5.294 yet I
> have no assurance that this issue was addressed or even looked at with this
> newest version.

Can you give some specific example of dates and amounts that are
incorrect? Unless you give more details about the exact problem
that you are having, its hard for us to resolve it.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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