Re: format for Access DB

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 17:05:06 -0700

Technical Support wrote:
> Let me start by saying that I can make ODBC work with the db included,
> HOWEVER, I would like to customize it a little and remove some
> (unneeded?) fields.

I don't know if there is that many unneeded fields in the sample
Emerald database.

> What are the minimum requirements and format for the ODBC
> implementation? That is, what fields, specifically, are needed at a
> minimum? I am an experienced DB designer but am pulling my hair out
> over some issues such as

The database schema is documented in the RadiusNT documentation.

> made the username and password lengths longer than 15 characters.
> This seems to be a mistake. What is the max?

The password length can not be greater than 15 characters. The username
can be up to 128 characters.

> Are there any other fields in the Radius7 database provided that one
> should not screw with if one expects to retain their sanity?

I wouldn't recommend screwing with most of the fields. There is a
for them. :) Changing one or two field lengths is ok, but understanding
general database concepts should dictate the rest (like the

> I would like to remove the phone # and work# and detail fields from
> the subaccounts but doing so generates an error about expecting more
> info...

I don't follow here. Those fields aren't used by RadiusNT itself. What
is the exact erorr and what is giving you that error?

> Also, has anyone made an access db that does not have subaccounts.
> That is where every account name has a login and password and there
> are not multiple accounts for a particular person?

The only way to do that is to make a table like users, then two queries
(MasterAccounts, SubAccounts) that derives their information from the
users table. This is beyond the list, though.

> Also, any chance someone has premade Internet Database Connectivity
> pages for changing passwords from web? Any security problems with
> this idea? Had planned on using cheesy but effective Frontpage 97. I
> am a non profit ISP (don't ask, its a long one) , so money is not here
> for high end SQL solutions...

See /emerald/contrib/ directories for some of these.
