Re: [RadiusNT] ODBC Error:07006 Restricted data type attribute violation

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 03 Nov 1999 15:44:59 -0800

Salman Karim wrote:
> Thanks Dale !!
> I run that query that u have given to me. After that users can connect to Oracle server easily. Now the thing is "ODBC Error : Invalid date format" but after adding a "nls_date_format" in registry date format becomes just like SQL Server. Now the ODBC error becomes
> "07006 Restricted data type attribute violation " on the location where invalid date format occured.
> In books online I found this error description, which is a convertion of data type to C datatype. There is no problem in authentication and accounting with oracle. I wanna know does this error may cause bad effect in future. It occurs when stored procedure "RadCheckOnline" runs, I checked all possible connections by changing the value of loginlimit.
> I have oracle basic script for RadiusNT if any one want just query me.

Are you forcing a specific DBM mode? RadiusNT doesn't call stored
procs in Oracle mode?

CREATE PROCEDURE RadCheckOnline @Username varchar(64) AS
Select Count(*) From CallsOnline Where Username=@Username and
AcctStatusType IN (1,3)

What is your RadCheckOnline proc?


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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