Re: [Emerald] ONLine Setup

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:54:22 -0700

Don Barron wrote:
> I dont know much about ASP, would someone be prepared to make these changes?

You can choose the second option:

1. Run Enterprise manager, connect to your server.

2. Bring up the Query Tool, and execute the query:
Select * From BillingCycles

3. Find the BillingCycleID of the one you want to be the default.

4. In the server manager window, drill down to Databases, Emerald,
Objects, tables, MasterAccounts and select edit.

5. Find the BillingCycleID Row (probably near the bottom), and in the
default column (the one on the right) enter the number you found in step

6. Save the changes and exit.

> >
> >> The ones written in ASP on the IEA ftp server were done by me.
> >> However people have reported that the scripts don't work
> >> with the updated 2.5 database. I am re-working these pages
> >> for use with IE 5.0 and Emerald 2.5, I should have a new version
> >> shortly.
> >>
> >> P.S. If you know ASP then I have been told that the fixes are
> >> pretty easy to go about fixing...but again I haven't looked too deeply
> into
> >> them yet.
> >
> >The big gotcha between 2.2 signup and 2.5 signup is that you
> >MUST either:
> >
> >1) Include a BillingCycleID by the signup server
> >
> >2) Put a default on the BillingCycleID column in the masteraccounts
> > table that is from the BillingCycles table.
> >
> >If the BillingCycleID field in the MasterAccounts table does NOT
> >match an enrty from the BillingCycles table, Emerald 2.5 can not
> >bill the user.
> >


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.