Re: [Emerald] Error Log

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 19:11:46 -0800

Josh Hillman wrote:
> The "1" in the second-to-the-last line in the script below, makes it show
> data only since midnight of the current date. Increase that number (of
> days) and it'll go further back in time. The line that starts with "AND
> Username like" is there because we sometime search through the logs based on
> the username. We have it defaulted to "LIKE '%%'" so that it includes
> everyone unless we enter in a username to search for.
> SELECT rl.LogDate, rl.UserName, rm.Description, rl.Data
> FROM RadLogs rl, RadLogMsgs rm
> WHERE rl.RadLogMsgID = rm.RadLogMsgID
> AND DateDiff(Day, rl.LogDate, GetDate()) < 1
> AND Username LIKE '%%'
> /* % acts as a wildcard and can be removed if necessary */
> ORDER BY rl.LogDate

The RadLogs screen in Emerald 2.5 does this above, and lets you
choose the username and date restrictions. A little easier to
use. :)


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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