RE: [Emerald] Restricting an account type to X hours per month

Tom Bilan ( Tom@TDI.NET )
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 02:21:56 -0500

Tonight I wrote a report that show you anyone using more than 200 hours and
then it graphs the top 20 offenders. I wrote it in Crystal 7.0 and uploaded
it into the incoming directory on the server. Maybe
Dale will look at it and move it somewhere more accessible.

It's named abuse.rpt.

You may want to edit the select statement. It old it not to include
accounts that start with "d_" because all my dedicated customers have d_ in
the beginning of their name.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Bilan [mailto:Tom@TDI.NET]
Sent: Friday, February 26, 1999 11:54 PM
To: ''
Subject: [Emerald] Restricting an account type to X hours per month

Ok, today I finally got upset enough to do something I've wanted to do for 2
years. I'm tired of people who spend 300+ hours per month and tie up my
line when normal users want to get on.

Is there a way with Emerald 2.5 and RadiusNT to attach a limit to an account
of 200 hours and then they can't get on?

These people need a life and I'm tired of buying $14,000 dialup boxes and
collecting $25.

I'm also interested in hearing how other people handle these people who
abuse the system.

Tom Bilan

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