Last Round of Emerald 2.5 beta testing

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Sat, 01 Aug 1998 12:51:25 -0700

The Emerald development team would like to open up testing of Emerald
to include full testing and usage. IEA Software will support, in a
limited fashion, the use of Emerald 2.5 in a production environment.
This offer is only available to current beta testers that have already
downloaded and installed Emerald 2.5 in a test environment. New
applicants will not be allowed to join the beta test at this time.

IEA Software Anomoly Tracking System (Ants)

During this round of testing and implementation, beta testers will be
required to use Ants for reporting and tracking problems. This will
drammatically improve communication, responsiveness and tracking of
problems. It will also allow beta testers to see problems and
resolutions which have already been reported by others.

Ants is a web based system that is available from the IEA Software
website. You must have a username and password to login into Ants,
so that all reports and resoluions can be tracked correctly. The
url for Ants is:

If you are a current beta tester, then you should login with the
Email address you are subscribed to the Emerald-beta mailing list
and just the username portion of it for your password. We will
allow for changing your password in the future. If you have
problems logging into Ants, please send email to support to
correct the problem.


For this round of closed beta testing, IEA Software will be rewarding
the tester with the most reported bugs by giving them a complementary
additional 500 MBR license. For a report to be counted, it must be
the first for that particular problem. Duplicate reports by other
testers will not be counted towards the overall total.

The rewards time frame will be until the end of August, 98. At that
time, the totals will be counted and the licenses will be given.


Support for the beta will be supplied via the Emerald-Beta mailing
list and the Ants web site. Limited Phone support will be available
for emergency or missions critical situations. However, all other
options (like Ants and the mailing list) should be used before
calling for support. Support will be limited to resoling specific
problems, not for asking generic questions.

IEA Sostfware, send our thanks to all who are involved in the
testing of Emerald 2.5.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |