Re: Solved one :) [RE: Bugs in Emerald 2.5.67 [RE: Error 13 'Types

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Mon, 18 May 1998 22:44:23 -0700

Peter A. Sang wrote:
> OK, #2 solved by installing language 'german' on SQL servers and using a
> login with language default = 'german'. (banging my head 'gainst the
> door..)
> Bad day today, seems I've to spend some more time with my SQL books ;)
> For the FAQ: Requirements to run Emerald on clients with non-US data
> formats and US-Version on Server:
> Client:
> 1. SQL client with latest service pack (Version >= 6.50.252)
> 2. Client config / 'UseInternational Settings' must be checked

I connected to your SQL Server and it didn't matter whether I had
"Use International Settings" on or not. Both worked fine w/out
erroring here. I'm guessing it could be the backend SQL Server.
Remember we have some wierd problems befure with just the US
backend and German client.

> Server:
> 1. If SQL server is not localized, local language (i.e. 'Deutsch') needs
> to be installed from SQL-setup. (*.loc files from CD or MSDN)
> 2. Create a login account with the correct local language for
> Emerald-login. If running SQL in mixed/integrated security mode, have
> the Emerald users mapped to this account.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |