Re: CallsOnline

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Sun, 30 Aug 1998 22:10:34 -0700

David Moore wrote:
> Yes, the realm is showing in the calls online view. The same UserID@Relm
> shows up in both concurrent records. How can I fix it?

It looks like the accounting records are not having the realm
removed via the treat as local option. Do you have proxy enabled
for accounting as well?

> >> Also, with the stop record not showing up, my CallsOnline table makes it
> look like the user is still online. However, I can still call up and log on
> with the same user name and password. I have Concurrency Control checked,
> but it still authorizes the user. I don't know if it makes a difference,
> but the UserName still has the realm appended (on each concurrent login).
> The Login field in SubAccounts does not have it. (We are successfully using
> the roaming feature to strip it as it is passed to us from merit - Great
> feature.)
> >
> >Does the realm show in the callsonline view? If so, that could be
> >what is causing the problem.


Dale E. Reed Jr. ( IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today |