Re: Grace Period

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Mon, 3 Aug 1998 16:43:24 -0400

> From: Alan D. Criado <>
> I'm using Emerald 2.2.38.
> I have most of my accounts expiring on the 1st of the month. I wanted to
> build into emerald a seven day grace period for the customers to be able
> get their checks in on time. For example:
> User account due to expire: 9/1/98
> Emerald actually stops authenticating seven days later: 9/8/98
> I went into Client Configuration (with the Emerald admin, ver. 2.2.31)
> put "7" in DEFAULT EXTEND. My understanding is that it will extend ALL
> accounts 7 days past their expiration date. Everyone's accounts who were
> due to expire on the 1st of this month was stopped by Emerald, instead of
> extending them the 7 days.

You need to handle your existing accounts too. Run this script and it'll
take care of them:

UPDATE MasterAccounts
SET OverDue = 7
WHERE OverDue < 7
AND Active = 1

Josh Hillman