Re: Quata function in NT4.0 environment...

Tim Buchalka ( (no email) )
Wed, 4 Jun 1997 07:03:47 +0930

There is no quota software built into NT 4.0. you need to purchase a third
party solutions.

NT5.0 will apparently have this feature.

Tim Buchalka

From: Rafiq Patel <>
To: ''
Subject: Quata function in NT4.0 environment...
Date: Wednesday, June 04, 1997 3:52 AM

Hi Folks:

I am wondering if there is any way to implement Disk Quata for users on
Windows NT 4.0. This is to specify who can use how much drive space!! I
have seen a user right called Modify Quata under User Manager but that is
about it. There is no other place where I can find more info on this

Thanks very much advance for any hints of pointers.

Rafiq Patel
Radiant Communications

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