Re: sql failed

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 11:29:43 -0700

sikko de graaf wrote:
> Hello dale
> We suddenly have the following problem.
> When I want to add a new account and subaccount..
> I make a new MBR and then a new Service fi PPP when I want to save it
> I got The error SQL command failed.
> he emerald sql database has enough space I only entered 257 MBR I see
> no errors in my NT eventlogs..
> Search and authentication run nice and smooth..
> We are running the evaluation version.. still waiting since last week
> for your return fax from sales..
> Do youy Have any ideas?

It will let you add new MBRs, but not services? Can you add a service
on an
existing MBR? If you have MBRs which don't have services, you can find
by un-checking the "search services also" and then doing your search.

If you can't add services in either situation, you may need to do a
DBCC CheckIdent(SubAccounts) on your database. I have seen situations
where SQL Server has the wrong Identity for a table, and that prevents
it from adding more records.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |