Re: Calls Online

Serge Stein/i2Tech ( )
24 Dec 96 14:18:59 EDT

Phillip Heller wrote:
> I have the calls online table, and I've populated it as follows:
> NASIdentifier, NASPort, AcctStatusType, UserName, CallDate, FramedAddress
> 47,0,0, , ,
> ...
> 47,47,0, , ,

For the callsonline table, the NASIdentifier should be the IP Adress of
NAS. It doesn't correlate with the Servers table.

> and the ServerPorts is set up like this:
> ServerID, Port, IPAddress, MaxSessionTime, CostPerMinute, UserName,
> AcctStatusType, CallDate, FramedAddress
> 47,0, ,0,0, ,0, ,
> ...
> 47,0, ,0,0, ,0, ,
> Where 47 is the ServerID of my Max from the Servers table.

The BETTER thing to do (what Emerald does) is makes CallsOnline a
QUERY, that derives information from the Servers and ServerPorts
table. Below is an example:

Select s.IPAddress, Port, UserName, AcctStatusType, CallDate,
From ServerPorts sp, Servers s
Where s.ServerID=sp.ServerID

Then just configure the Servers and ServerPorts tables.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  ( Internet Engineering Associates   |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs  Internet Solutions for Today     | Mailing list (