Re: USR x2 chassis and Radius/Emerald

Philip Thomas ( )
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 20:44:45 -0700

Just out of curiousity Dale, have you called USR and asked them if they
would loan you a total control to use to test radiusNT & Emerald?


Michael Whisenant wrote:
> Major problem here and I need everyone's help! I have just added 6 Dual
> PRI chassis from USR and I am not getting any accounting information. I am
> using Emerald 2.1.11 and Radius NT 1.16.90. I authenticate great, I have
> called USR and we have enabled the traps on all modems incomming calls.
> They keep saying "If Emerald is RFC compliant then it would work", they
> point the NAS to their internal accounting server and are getting
> accounting information.
> Someone out there HAS to be using a USR Total Control Chassis and using
> Emerald for accounting, right?
> If not I can get the USR accounting server, but how do I blend in with
> Emerald? Please assist if you can!!
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