USR x2 chassis and Radius/Emerald

Michael Whisenant ( )
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 20:24:01 -0500

Major problem here and I need everyone's help! I have just added 6 Dual
PRI chassis from USR and I am not getting any accounting information. I am
using Emerald 2.1.11 and Radius NT 1.16.90. I authenticate great, I have
called USR and we have enabled the traps on all modems incomming calls.
They keep saying "If Emerald is RFC compliant then it would work", they
point the NAS to their internal accounting server and are getting
accounting information.

Someone out there HAS to be using a USR Total Control Chassis and using
Emerald for accounting, right?

If not I can get the USR accounting server, but how do I blend in with
Emerald? Please assist if you can!!