Re: Accounts Screen is Blank

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Tue, 20 May 1997 22:58:49 -0700 ()

On Tue, 20 May 1997 wrote:

> I was wondering what would suddenly cause my accounts screen in
> Emerald to be blank. If I tab to invoices, batch, reports, and
> on-line the fields are there, but if I tab to accounts, it is
> completely blank.
> Does anyone know what would cause this? I completely uninstalled
> emerald and reinstalled, but that did not help.

You've been hit with the new tabctl32 virus. Its caused by
installing packages such as VB5, VI, etc. Emerald 2.2 uses the
new tab control. Check out your tabctl32.ocx file and see if
its different from the one from the Emerald installation.
