Re: Dll 48 Problem

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Tue, 20 May 1997 22:56:41 -0700 ()

On Tue, 20 May 1997, Ian Pizey wrote:

> I have gotten the SQL server and emerald client to work properly on the NT
> box,
> However when I go to load emerald from a win 95 network station it comes
> up with the message 48 unable to load dll.
> I have set up the ODBC client on the 95 box, but still no luck.
> Any ideas which way to go from here...

You must likely don't have the Emerald client installed. Check out:

For details on installing the Emerald client.

Also, if that doesn't do it, what other packages do you have
installed on the message (vb, vc, etc?).
