Re: Serv-U Still Crashing....

Daniel Wood ( )
Thu, 06 Mar 1997 11:14:44 -0800

I have been running the serv-u .dll with emerald on 3.51 for any
months now and it has never crashed.


>Hmmmm... NT 4.0 now there is a thought. Don't know why this would make a
>difference, but it would be interesting to find who is having problems with
>serv-u and who is not and which are running 3.51 or 4.0.
>I am running 4.0 and chrashing serv-u every 6 hours or so.
>At 10:38 AM 3/6/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>At 07:13 PM 3/5/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>>Serv-U with the .dll is crashing here 2 - 3 times a day. If I put the
>>>icon in the startup group & NEVER touch the system after boot & login,
>>>it will last almost 8 hours. If I even think about looking at the
>>>Serv-U screen it crashes within a few hours.
>>We are running with the DLL, and it has not yet crashed since we got the
>>DLL to load and hit the database. That's three days now.
>>>I have NT 4.0 Server, sp2, Serv-U 2.2 and what I assume is the latest
>>>version on su_emer.dll and absolutly NOTHING else running on this
>>>machine besides normal stuff. No IIS or other process' besides normal
>>>stuff running.
>>I have NT 3.51 Workstation on this machine, v2.2 of Serv-U, and the latest
>>.DLL. The machine also runs backup DNS, our primary Web Server, a telnet
>>ghost, PC Anywhere, and a prime number factoring program that uses up the
>>spare CPU cycles. This CPU runs at 99% 24 hours a day. Only 64 MB Ram in
>>this beast, and nary a problem.
>>Perhaps it is NT 4.0?
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