Re: [NTISP] C++ CGI on IIS and Win2000 need more permissions

David Payer ( (no email) )
Mon, 8 May 2000 07:58:01 -0500

> Hi,
> I have a c++ CGI program that is running on a Win2000 machine with IIS
> web server.
> The problem is Windows user permissions. The CGI file can't write to
> most directories because it was spawned by the IIS which runs as
> Everybody. So obviously the CGI brogram inherits this user level and can
> Louis

Louis, on NT 4 you can have the IIS run under any username you want. Go to
services and select the World Wide Web Publishing. Click on Startup. You
will have an option to have it run under the username of choice.

I don't know if 2000 has this but I would be surprised if it doesn't.

David Payer

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