Re: [Emerald] Batch-in errors in Emerald with PC Authorize

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 07 Jan 2000 13:20:40 -0800

Josh Hillman wrote:
> Here are the first two lines of the batch-out.txt and batch-in.txt files:
> batch-out.txt (as created by Emerald):
> "1",4321123412341234,"0601","Customer Name","66125",32301,19.95,2491,24256,
> "2",5432543254325432,"0601","Some Name","4832",32312,19.95,2521,24257,
> batch-in.txt (as created by PC Authorize):
> 000620777400,,AA," ZIP MATCH ",,,,
> 000620777401,,ND," DECLINE ",,,,
> It looks to me like the reference number coming from PC Authorize is not
> correlated to the original information in any way.????? All 130
> transactions have "00062077" listed as the first part of the Reference
> Number in the batch-in.txt file (created by PC Authorize). The next number
> is either a 7 or a 5. The next number is either a 1 or 4 and the last two
> numbers seem to be any number.

It looks like your import or export problem here. The Reference number
in the export really should be what it read in the import. Otherwise,
Emerald can not match up the transaction and post the results. Maybe
could try switching the invoiceID and transid fields in the format for
both of the files and see if the invoiceID is kept correctly?


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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