Re: [Emerald] USR hiper chassis and Emerald 2.5

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 21:24:08 -0800

Lamar Townsend wrote:
> Well, looks like everyone at IEA is picking which items on the list they
> are answering. I guess they really have NO intention of fixing those

Thats so not true. I typcially answer most of the list quesitons, but
I've been very sick over the last five days. AFAIK, all issues that
been reported to support or on the list have been resolved.

> problems that I mentioned in my last post.. I will not consider the
> upgrade, which I paid for, complete until they get these things working.
> Come on IEA, when will Emerald work with the Total Control?

It already does. We have tons of users working with it fine. Did you
seen any of the posts that I made over the last couple of days?


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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