Re: [Emerald] SQL 7.0 upgrade

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 09:30:44 -0800

Bernard Andrys wrote:
> The one big thing that I'm concerned about 7.0 is that you said external
> authentication is alot slower with SQL 7. We have Mailsite and Serve-U

I did? When? Where? If anything, its going to get faster, not slower.

> authenticating off of Emerald. It already gets very slow at peak times
> (sometimes enough for the POP3 clients to time out). My concern is that we
> do the upgrade to 7.0 during off-peak hours (Saturday Morning), and then
> find that Mailsite doesn't work at all on Monday night.
> ...or was your "external authentication" comment refering to something else
> in SQL? (like login's?)

I searched the archives for this and can't find it?


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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