[Emerald] Emerald Script HELP.

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PowerNet Support (psc5@powersupply.net)
Fri, 02 Jan 2004 10:14:37 -0500

Message-ID: <200401021014370921.15309DB8@mail.powersupply.net>
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 10:14:37 -0500
From: "PowerNet Support" <psc5@powersupply.net>
Subject: [Emerald] Emerald Script HELP.

I have this script that works, but what I would really like is for this to
 only show me payments of $100 or more.

Can anyone change this to do that? I need this ASAP if anyone can help.

/* Monthly Payments (Emerald 2.5) */
/* Lists payment and credit details with totals for all billing groups */


DECLARE @GroupId int, @PaymentDate datetime

SELECT @PaymentDate = '3/1/2003'

SELECT "Monthly Payments"=(datename(month, @Paymentdate)+',
 '+datename(year, @Paymentdate)),
       "Date Printed"=GetDate() PRINT ''

    FROM Groups
    ORDER BY SortOrder

OPEN BillingGroup_cursor

FETCH NEXT FROM BillingGroup_cursor INTO @GroupID WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN /* beginning of main loop */

/* Don't display empty listings for the current billing group */ IF EXISTS (SELECT ma.GroupID
           FROM MasterAccounts ma, Payments p
           WHERE p.CustomerID = ma.CustomerID
           AND ma.GroupID = @GroupID
           AND DATEDIFF(Month, p.Date, @PaymentDate) = 0) BEGIN /* Display detailed payment listings */


SELECT ''=GroupName FROM Groups WHERE GroupID = @GroupID


SELECT DISTINCT "Payment Date"=p.Date,
                "Amount Paid"=p.Amount,
                "Payment Type"=p.Type,
                Name=(ma.FirstName+' '+ma.LastName),
                ma.Company FROM MasterAccounts ma, Payments p, InvoiceItems ii WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, p.Date, @PaymentDate) = 0 AND ma.GroupID = @GroupID AND ma.CustomerID = p.CustomerID AND p.PaymentID = ii.PaymentID

/* Include payments that are missing associations with InvoiceIDs */ UNION SELECT DISTINCT "Payment Date"=p.Date,
                "InvoiceID "=null,
                "Amount Paid"=p.Amount,
                "Payment Type"=p.Type,
                Name=(ma.FirstName+' '+ma.LastName),
                ma.Company FROM MasterAccounts ma, Payments p WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, p.Date, @PaymentDate) = 0 AND ma.CustomerID = p.CustomerID AND ma.GroupID = @GroupID AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT ii.InvoiceID FROM InvoiceItems ii WHERE p.PaymentID
 = ii.PaymentID)

ORDER BY Name, ii.InvoiceID


END /* end of detailed payment listings */

FETCH NEXT FROM BillingGroup_cursor INTO @GroupID

END /* end of main loop */

CLOSE BillingGroup_cursor DEALLOCATE BillingGroup_cursor

/* TOTALS */

/* Payments */

SELECT "Payments"=g.Groupname,
       Total=sum(p.Amount) FROM Payments p, MasterAccounts ma, Groups g WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, p.Date, @PaymentDate) = 0 AND ma.CustomerID = p.CustomerID AND g.GroupID = ma.GroupID AND (p.Type NOT LIKE '%Trade%' AND p.Type NOT LIKE '%Charity%') AND p.Amount > 0 GROUP BY g.GroupName, p.Type ORDER BY g.GroupName, p.Type Compute Sum(sum(p.Amount))

/* Trade / Charity */

/* Don't display blank totals if there aren't any */ IF EXISTS (SELECT PaymentID
           FROM Payments
           WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, Date, @PaymentDate) = 0
           AND Amount > 0
           AND (Type LIKE '%Trade%' OR Type LIKE '%Charity%')) BEGIN SELECT "Trade/Charity"=Type,
       Total=sum(Amount) FROM Payments p WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, Date, @PaymentDate) = 0 AND (Type LIKE '%Trade%' OR Type LIKE '%Charity%') AND Amount > 0 GROUP BY Type ORDER BY Type Compute Sum(sum(Amount)) END ELSE PRINT 'Trade / Charity: 0.00'

/* Credits */

/* Don't display blank totals if there aren't any */ IF EXISTS (SELECT p.PaymentID
           FROM Payments p, MasterAccounts ma, Groups g
           WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, p.Date, @PaymentDate) = 0
           AND p.CustomerID = ma.CustomerID
           AND ma.GroupID = g.GroupID
           AND p.Amount < 0) BEGIN SELECT Credits=g.GroupName,
       Total=sum(p.Amount) FROM Payments p, MasterAccounts ma, Groups g WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, p.Date, @PaymentDate) = 0 AND ma.CustomerID = p.CustomerID AND g.GroupID = ma.GroupID AND p.Amount < 0 GROUP BY g.GroupName, p.Type ORDER BY g.GroupName, p.Type Compute Sum(sum(p.Amount)) END ELSE PRINT 'Credits: 0.00'

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