[RadiusNT] ODBC Errors

Salman Karim ( (no email) )
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 12:38:35 PDT

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I wanna know why these errors occur. see log file.


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radrecv: Request from host d2380318 code=1, id=216, length=109 User-Name = "iZ;2JC'nL9jc'dL<iYr"
Password = "\016p\0063\302{\312\002':\032(Q49o\276\003\237\304\324\232\254\177/Q\313?\26648\374tz\262\274\313\237(\213k~\357\0208=\006\337"
NAS-Identifier =
NAS-Port = 18
NAS-Port-Type = Async
SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, (ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension+1, saExpireDate)), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell, sa.TimeLeft, sa.LoginLimit From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa Where sa.Login='iZ;2JC'nL9jc'dL<iYr' AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0

ODBC Error:37000:170:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'nL9jc'.

Resp Time: 30 Auth: 76/16 -> 93 Acct: 134/0/0 -> 135

radrecv: Request from host d2380319 code=1, id=171, length=153 User-Name = "p}~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~"
Password = "\374[\331p#\351\364[2R\301xmq\236h\206k5\225\206e\214\177\006\356\242\251r%(\261\024\206\003"o\255\361(\236\214\027\311\002\246\343Y"
NAS-Identifier =
NAS-Port = 9
NAS-Port-Type = Async
SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, (ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension+1, saExpireDate)), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell, sa.TimeLeft, sa.LoginLimit From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa Where sa.Login='p}~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~' AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0

Sending Reject of id 171 to d2380319 (PMNew-25)
SQL Statement: INSERT INTO RadLogs(RadLogMsgID, LogDate, Username, Data, CallerID) VALUES (10, GetDate(), 'p}~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~', 'iEa&z>?IuYFiXMtB <=8QwO)_a;]7sF;X$Hwk+5H`ol', NULL)

ODBC Error:22001:8152:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Column 'Username' of table 'ISP.dbo.RadLogs' cannot accept 63 bytes (32 max).

User: p}~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~?~ Not found
Resp Time: 140 Auth: 159/61 -> 231 Acct: 303/0/0 -> 303

radrecv: Request from host d2380319 code=1, id=172, length=145 User-Name = "[q&{xAg0qldcc3YckbhTox,N{Ucy*w{~aZ{?N3pvlRV!$b]o5*W.*\0"
Password = "\036\234\276X\346ja\360]\260>\225\2712\251\220\225V&E\265\343m\370\212\237\220\033\001\332`\257\362b_9\325p\262\352\317\361\316\273\321\201\243\347"
NAS-Identifier =
NAS-Port = 9
NAS-Port-Type = Async
SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, (ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension+1, saExpireDate)), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell, sa.TimeLeft, sa.LoginLimit From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa Where sa.Login='0' AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0

Sending Reject of id 172 to d2380319 (PMNew-25)
SQL Statement: INSERT INTO RadLogs(RadLogMsgID, LogDate, Username, Data, CallerID) VALUES (10, GetDate(), '0', '/J2xE1tH'P1n^XQO~u-1BJir5[x\+Khxk|LA', NULL)

ODBC Error:37000:170:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'P1'.

User: 0 Not found
Resp Time: 70 Auth: 159/62 -> 232 Acct: 303/0/0 -> 303

radrecv: Request from host d2380314 code=1, id=237, length=121 User-Name = "<$Na_3cpcbqc9;bBD~NZ~ghf]'& _}qLY{x:A'Hvu;?btMH)ufnRo]5jo|q DT6"
Password = "\017\251\002\200\232\026\232$\370\025J\265\004\310\340\246"
NAS-Identifier =
NAS-Port = 21
NAS-Port-Type = Async
SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, (ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension+1, saExpireDate)), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell, sa.TimeLeft, sa.LoginLimit From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa Where sa.Login='<$Na_3cpcbqc9;bBD~NZ~ghf]'&' AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0

ODBC Error:37000:105:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Unclosed quote before the character string ' AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0'.

Resp Time: 40 Auth: 267/125 -> 404 Acct: 506/0/0 -> 506

radrecv: Request from host d2380314 code=1, id=245, length=99 User-Name = "#3de*]%xQ"
Password = "\034P\031;\007\366\231\316\3730\342]).\306<z\264,t\357\337\313!\365\203\221\271\3116\270>y\213\324\277CN1\233\345\330? \220\260\004\316"
NAS-Identifier =
NAS-Port = 2
NAS-Port-Type = Async
SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, (ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension+1, saExpireDate)), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell, sa.TimeLeft, sa.LoginLimit From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa Where sa.Login='#3de*]%xQ' AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0

Sending Reject of id 245 to d2380314 (PortMaster2eR1)
SQL Statement: INSERT INTO RadLogs(RadLogMsgID, LogDate, Username, Data, CallerID) VALUES (10, GetDate(), '#3de*]%xQ', 'NXwo*u'0x_B\3<PdC:r  ,^xB?<A7=tq~t8v;h65', NULL)

ODBC Error:07001:0:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect

User: #3de*]%xQ Not found
Resp Time: 40 Auth: 546/255 -> 868 Acct: 1033/0/0 -> 1033
