Re: [Emerald] URGENT: Authenticating but not recording call information

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:20:19 -0700

Franco Nogarin wrote:
> I have no idea what has happened but on 7pm on October 21, my Emerlad calls
> table stopped getting call records. My emerald is working fine (So it seems)
> and my radius and my portmaster are all functioning normally but I dont see
> any call records after the 21st when I do a (Select * from calls) and my
> time online is not working, I suspect there is a problem with my call
> trigger and my calls online view.
> is there a check script I can run to see if it is ok?
> I am running:
> Emerald 2.5.278
> Radius NT 2.5.162
> on NT 4 sp5 and SQL 6.5

If you are not getting records into the calls table, then the
calls online will definately not be working. Run RadiusNT in -x15
debug mode and see if you are getting accounting records, and
if so, what errors are you getting from the insert?


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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