Re: [Emerald] Violation of primary key again

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 10:07:58 -0700

> "CybrTyme, Inc." wrote:
> I have read through the message lists and seen many entries for the
> violation of primary key on both the callsonline and radlogs table. I
> seem to interpret that the violation error is ok because the items
> should be already in the tables and that this is commonly caused by
> nas request retransmission.
> I understand the retransmission issue, but I have violations that are
> occuring WITHOUT being caused by retransmissions. I have many, many

The two main causes for this are:

1) There are some terminal servers that either re-use the
to often or reset thier Acct-Session-ID on reboot

2) You have records in the database from a previous terminal server or
from the same terminal server, and have reset the Acct-Session-ID as
a result of an upgrade.

> failed login requests for usernames that DONT APPEAR IN THE RADLOGS AT
> ALL. I have checked from both the manager and have done queries with
> query analyzer to find that some records are not getting put into the
> tables. I also have problems with people getting "hung" in the calls
> online table with a higher frequency than should be expected.

Are you in both or just ODBC mode?

> Background info. We use only USR HyperArc's with Hyper DSP's. We run
> radius NT and Emerald 2.5, we have just upgraded to 2.5. We run on
> MSSQL 7.

The Hiper Arc are notorious for reusing acct session IDs frequently. The
best way to work around that is to rebuild the key on the Calls table to
include the username. This gives a lesser chance of hitting a dupe on
a request that really isn't a dupe.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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