Re: [Emerald] Overlimit Field

Jeff Woods ( )
Sat, 15 May 1999 10:18:16 -0400

At 02:28 PM 5/14/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Jeff Woods wrote:
> >
> > >How is the over limit field supposed to work? We put in an amount, remove
> > >the expire date, and yet the account remains active.
> >
> > Same here -- that's why we stuck with leaving the expiration date in, even
> > with Balance Forward billing. I've informed two different techs at IEA
> > about it, so I'm sure Dale knows that this is broken. (in .278)
>Actually, I don't. :(

Told it to Kurt and to Sean, each of whom handled part of an upgrade
assistance package for me last week.

BTW, talk to Sean about the headache of NONE of the reports appearing in
the client, on the reports button. We've used UNC's (verifying that
they're active), qualified paths, and more -- and NEVER is there a report
available, not one. Sean was ready to pull his hair out, as was Kurt, and
we wound up wasting almost 90 minutes of my upgrade assistance package
trying to solve that minor problem (plus another hour on another call).

>Make sure that RadiusNT is finding your Emerald license key. My
>first test didn't have an Emerald key, and RadiusNT wasn't looking
>at the overlimit. You can verify this when RadiusNT starts up,
>because it will display:
> > Enterprise features enabled.
> >
> > RadiusNT 2.5.175 (Emerald Standard) Initialized...

Indeed it does.

21 Accounting Columns Loaded

Enterprise features enabled.

RadiusNT 2.5.162 (Emerald Standard) Initialized...


>Secondly, during the authentication, you should notice that balance
>and overlimit are in the SQL Statement, and RadiusNT will print
>out the Balance/Limit in the debug, if the limit is Non-NULL and
>greater than 0:
> > SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day,
> (ma.Extension+ma
> > .OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day,
> sa.Extensi
> > on+1, saExpireDate)), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType, sa.Password,
> sa.Login, sa.Sh
> > ell, ma.Balance, ma.OverLimit From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts
> sa Where sa.L
> > ogin='daler' AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0 and
> ma.Active<>0

The fields are in the Query that I'm seeing, but none of the fields are
checked. Here's what I see when I do a query on an account Shawn and I
created during the upgrade assistance package. The "shawnw" account has
no expiration date, a balance of $17.95, and an overlimit of $10.00. There
are no temporary or permanent extends, and the "paidthru" date is
5/11/99. He *should* thus be rejected (owes us more than his overlimit
allows), but he is not:

SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day,
(ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute,
GetDate(), DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension+1, saExpireDate)),
sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell,
sa.LoginLimit, ma.Balance, ma.OverLimit From MasterAccounts ma,
SubAccounts sa Where (sa.Login='shawnw' or sa.Shell='shawnw'
or sa.Email='shawnw') AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and
sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0

Decrypted Password: xxxxxxxxx
Database Password: xxxxxxxxx
Checking for duplicate logins.

SQL Statement: RadCheckOnline 'shawnw'

shawnw found on-line 0 time(s).

SQL Statement: RadGetConfigs 867

Loading radius defaults for this type...

SQL Statement: RadGetATConfigs 'PPP-120h'

User-Service = Framed-User (2)
Framed-Protocol = PPP (1)
Session-Timeout = 28800 (28800)
Idle-Timeout = 600 (600)
Sending Ack of id 65 to c655e501 (
User-Service = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Session-Timeout = 28800
Idle-Timeout = 600

Resp Time: 171 Auth: 9/0 -> 9 Acct: 14/0/0 -> 14

>If you do not see the balance/overlimit, its because RadiusNT didn't
>find the overlimit to be non-0/non-null:

Uh, RadiusNT isn't even looking at the overlimit/balance fields -- they do
not appear in the debug, but an SQL query found this:

select LastName, FirstName, OverLimit from MasterAccounts
Where Overlimit is Not NULL and OverLimit <> 0

LastName FirstName OverLimit
------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------
Public Joe 1.00
Workman Shawn 10.00

(2 row(s) affected)

Clearly something is amiss. How can I correct this?