Re: [Emerald] Changing Password through mailsite

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 12:38:14 -0700

I finally was able to set this up using Eudora Pro and Mailsite 3.2.
When trying to change the password, I never see mailsite call the
ChangePassword procedure. It does call the VerifyMailUser proc, and
I am curious as to whether it doesn't like something it that one and
stops. The user can however login and read email, so the proc should
be Ok. I'll CC rockliffe support on this and try and get them into
the loop.

> Darren Clissold wrote:
> Has anyone ever got this to work, if so how?
> Here is the stored procedure that has the correction that Dayle said
> to try, it doesn't work.
> if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =
> object_id('dbo.ChangeMailUserPassword') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
> drop procedure dbo.ChangeMailUserPassword
> GO
> CREATE PROCEDURE ChangeMailUserPassword @login varchar(64), @domain
> varchar(64), @password varchar(16), @esid integer AS
> Update sa
> Set Password = @password
> From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa, Groups g, Domains d,
> AccountTypes at1
> Where ma.CustomerID = sa.CustomerID
> AND ma.GroupID = g.GroupID
> AND g.DomainID = d.DomainID
> AND at1.AccountType = sa.AccountType
> AND at1.ExternalSystemID = @esid
> AND (((sa.Login = @login OR sa.Shell = @login) AND d.MailDomain =
> @domain)
> OR (sa.Email = @login + '@' + @domain))
> GO
> All you get when using the web console is that it failed, this in the
> error that I got when using the Java console.
> NEW_PASSWORD failed; Error in SetMailboxPassword, -518979585
> Darren Clissold
> Datafast,


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.