Re: [Emerald] Serious Issue

Ben Conner ( )
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 20:41:46 -0800


At 08:06 PM 3/24/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Well we attempted to consolidate yesterday with no such luck.
>Our calls table is huge with 1801136
>records showing on select count(*) from calls
>The summary shows 13 periods to consolidate. However, about 30 hours
>only 15k records were done. Is this typical? At that rate we would
>never finish consolidating. The SQL server runs on a P2-450, 512MB
Well, you certainly have sufficient hardware. :) While it was consolidating,
is your hard drive light on a lot? Do you have the tempdb set up in RAM? With
this much available memory I'd give it at least 256 meg and give SQL Server 384
meg. I suspect that would speed things up a bit.

>It seemed to have messed something up after the emerald client was
>killed...we cannot email invoices out returns an error.
Did you run a check on the db from ISQL/W?

+ Ben Conner +
+ Web World, Inc. (714) 639-0595 voice +
+ PO Box 6548-107 (714) 744-4825 fax +
+ Orange, Ca 92863 +

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