Re: 2.5.73 Notes

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 05 Jun 1998 02:12:59 -0700

Duane Schaub wrote:
> 1. Memory Leak. I don't know if you did anything, but the memory leak on
> .73 is significantly less. We can now process more than 300 payments
> without an Emerald crash. I does, however, slow significantly after 200.
> (This is on a 64Mb NT4/sp3 client).

Haven't done anything specifically. I'll take a look and see if there is
an issue. It doesn't spawn a new window for it (its re-used) so I don't
know what exactly would cause it.

> 2. EmerAuth. What is the latest version for Serv-u? I have one the Dale
> gave me a while back that does not recognize the Perm. Extension field from
> the master records.

I'll put a in the beta directory. It will include
the docs and DLL itself.

> 3. Export radius file. Does not add temp extension or perm extension
> fields from the master record.

Make sure you updated your RadiusUsers stored proc. Thats where its
calculated. The correct one from the instproc.sql is:


SELECT sa.Login, sa.Password, ra.Name, ra.Type, rc.Data, rc.Value,
MasterExpire=DateAdd(Day, (ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate),
SubExpire=DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension, saExpireDate)
From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa, RadConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra
Where ma.CustomerID = sa.CustomerID
AND rc.AccountID = sa.AccountID
AND ra.RadAttributeID = rc.RadAttributeID
AND maExpireDate Is Not Null AND sa.Login<>''
AND ma.Active = 1 AND sa.Active = 1


SELECT sa.Login, sa.Password, ra.Name, ra.Type, rc.Data, rc.Value,
MasterExpire=DateAdd(Day, (ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate),
SubExpire=DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension, saExpireDate)
From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa, RadATConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra
Where ma.CustomerID = sa.CustomerID
AND rc.AccountType = sa.AccountType
AND ra.RadAttributeID = rc.RadAttributeID
AND maExpireDate Is Not Null AND sa.Login<>''
AND ma.Active = 1 AND sa.Active = 1

Select * From RadConfigs rc2 where sa.AccountID = rc2.AccountID

Order BY sa.Login

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |