Re: Y2K and Radius: maExpireDate above 12-31-1999 (year 2000)

Mike Miller ( )
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 10:10:46 -0400

My apologies,

Radius 2.2 is y2k compliant. In our testing yesterday we were using a date
of 1-1-2050 (randomly picked.. no special reason). I tried the test again
today, except this time with a date of 1-1-2010. It appears RadiusNT 2.2
will handle 2010 completely fine. I doubt RadiusNT 2.2 will ever use a
date larger than 2010 (like 2050), unless of course by some wierd miracle a
customer decides to pay 50 years Internet access in advance (yeah right!).
I am content with a successful test.


==================================================== /\ Mike A. Miller == /--\ \/ Abraxis Networks ==/ \ B R A /\ I S == / == N E T W O R K S