Re: Basic Radius Setup

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 11:02:48 -0700

Mike Rabaut wrote:
> To make up a special account type and limit the access times say from 5pm to
> 10pm, I would have to:
> Have Manual Calls Update and Concurrencty Control checked in th Admin window.

Concurrency control isn't relevant to ServerPortAccess (which is where the
time restrictions are).

> Make sure that the ServerAccess table has all of the ports available listed
> for the ServerID.
> Create a new account type in the account type table.
> Create a user account in the MasterAccount and SubAccount tables adding the
> new account type to this user profile in the SubAccount table.
> Populate the Server Access Table with the ServerID and all ports for that
> server.
> Add the new account type and the StartTime and StopTime (In what format????)

Minutes past midnight. ie, 7am is 7 * 60 or 420.

> to a given port in the Server Access Table. I could have multiple account
> types for a given port using duplicate port entries.
> Is this correct??

When you enable Server Port Access, all account types are denied by default.
Therefore, you MUST add entries for each account type for each server (or
port). I believe 2.5 supports a NULL for the server port, which makes it
easier to populate the ServerAccess table.

Lets say you have three account types, PPP, PPP Business, PPP After Hours.
The first is full acccess, while the other two are daytime and night time
access, respectively. Your ServerAccess table might look like this (assuming
you have two nases, ServerID 1 and 2):

ServerID Port Account Type StartTime StopTime
-------- ------ --------------- --------- --------
1 (NULL) PPP 0 0
1 (NULL) PPP Business 420 1080
1 (NULL) PPP After Hrs 1080 480
2 (NULL) PPP 0 0
2 (NULL) PPP Business 420 1080
2 (NULL) PPP After Hrs 1080 480

This would allow the PPP users to call any time w/out restrictions. The
PPP business could call from 7am to 6pm, and the PPP After Hrs can call
from 6pm to 7am.

BTW, the (NULL) isn't a string. In MS Access, just clear the cell and it will
be NULL. For SQL Server, set it to the word NULL (Port=NULL).

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |