Re: Concurrent Login Control

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 23:11:13 -0700

Postman Account wrote:
> Does anyone have concurrency control working properly with MS SQL
> and RadiusNT 2.5124?


> I've seen it discussed quite a bit on the list lately... and I'm wanting
> to set it up.... but, didn't know if it works as it should...?

Here are the things that must be met:

1. You must enter all your servers in the Server Ports table.

2. You must enter each port of each server in the ServerPorts table
(the two tables are linked via the ServerID field).

3. You must have accounting working and RadiusNT storing accounting records
in the calls table.

4. You must have either manual calls update enabled or a trigger installed
on the calls table to update the serverports table. This is the key
to concurrency working. The trigger or manual calls update will keep a
running list of users on-line in the serverports table. This table is
what RadiusNT will check to see if someone is on-line (and how many

5. You need to have Concurrency control enabled in the RadiusNT admin, and
possibly the variable login limit if you want RadiusNT to use the loginlimit
field in the subaccounts table.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |