Access 97 db gone wild - help!

Michael G. Minnich ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 16:25:13 -0400

We upgraded 7 days ago to RadiusNT 2.5.124. Access DB size was 12 MB +/- as
we cleaned out most prior call records. All was going well until today.
When unable to enter clients, the techs checked the db and it was over 1 GB
in size. (It didn't grow much over the first few days we watched it) Went
to repair and compact the db, repair failed saying the db had reached a
maximum size. Compact failed returning an error, "Radius97 isn't an index
in this table. Look at the indexes collection of the TableDef object to
determine the valied index names." We can no longer open this Radius db.

Just switched to a back-up copy and all is running fine again. Would like
to know why this happened and how, if possible, we could open the db to
retrieve calls info.

Please don't say switch to MSQL, my answer is we will, but one thing at a
time. ;->


Michael G. Minnich, President Access Visions Corporation
Voice: 937.593.7177 x.126 Fax: 937.592.4165