[RadiusNT Digest]

Mon, 29 Jun 1998 00:00:01 -0700

Message 1: Re: 4000 Users +
from "Graeme Slogrove" <graeme@fdd.net>

Message 2: Can't connect to ODBC database
from "Paul Smith" <pjsmith@microtech.co.gg>

Message 3: Re: The Incredible Expanding Database
from Scott Lagos <slagos@net1plus.com>

Message 4: Re: The Incredible Expanding Database
from Scott Lagos <slagos@net1plus.com>

Message 5: Restricting RadiusNT users to RRAS ports
from janjic@simt.com.mk

Message 6: Re: Restricting RadiusNT users to RRAS ports
from Dale Reed <daler@iea-software.com>

Message 7: Re: The Incredible Expanding Database
from Dale Reed <daler@iea-software.com>

Message 8: Re: Can't connect to ODBC database
from Dale Reed <daler@iea-software.com>

Message 9: Re:
from Dale Reed <daler@iea-software.com>

Message 10: Re: Restricting RadiusNT users to RRAS ports
from rabaut <rabaut@hcc.cc.fl.us>

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| Message 1 |
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Subject: Re: 4000 Users +
From: "Graeme Slogrove" <graeme@fdd.net>
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 12:05:48 +0200

On 27 Jun 98 at 15:14, Dale Reed wrote:

> type the whole name in and hit edit and it will search/load the
> service.

Ahh, interesting .. ;) Thanks.

> Emerald isn't designed for having 4000 users under a single MBR.
> Anyone trying to do that should have a Group and put them in as
> services, since thats most likely what you really want to do
> anyways.

Yes, it's the ideal situation - however, we have a franchise with
just on 600 users, who they bill seperately. Therefore it makes more
sense to put all the users under one master account, with an expiry
date of 1/1/2050, so it's their responsibility for marking active /
not active.


---Graeme Slogrove, BSc (Eng) Elec (Wits)FastLight Data Distribution cchttp://www.fdd.netTel: +27-(0)11-706-0212   Fax: +27-(0)11-706-0812

..------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.| Message 2 |'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'Subject: Can't connect to ODBC databaseFrom: "Paul Smith" <pjsmith@microtech.co.gg>Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 18:03:06 +0100

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I've got the evaluation version of RadiusNT and am trying to get it to logto the Emerald SQL database.

I've setup the SQL and Emerald is working OK.

I've entered the authentication information and the DSN, but when I clickthe check button it says "check connection failed". I can't see what I'mdoing wrong, although I'm sure it's probably something simple.

I've started RadiusNT with the -x15 option, and the it's supposed to go tothe "wating for requests stage" but it only gets as far as "1 Client'sloaded"

Can anyone help?

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I've got the evaluation version of RadiusNT and am trying to =get it to=20log to the Emerald SQL database.
I've setup the SQL and Emerald is working OK.  =
I've entered the authentication information and the DSN, but =when I click=20the check button it says "check connection failed".  I =can't see=20what I'm doing wrong, although I'm sure it's probably something =simple. =20
I've started RadiusNT with the -x15 option, and the it's =supposed to go=20to the "wating for requests stage" but it only gets as far as ="1=20Client's loaded"
Can anyone help?
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Isuspect, but I'm not certain, that this is the cause of the bloating.There are a few articles on MS Support that descrive about 10 differentways that bloating occurs. At 09:05 AM 6/26/98 -0700, you wrote:>Hi, we are using RadiusNT to authenticate against an MSAccess database. I>have noticed that after about 24hours of running this database has grown>from about 7MB to over 100MB in size. I have needed to stop the RadiusNT>service (not good) and compact/repair the database to return it to a more>manageable size.>>Anybody have an idea what I am doing wrong?>>Thanks,>>Jason> ..------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.| Message 4 |'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'Subject: Re: The Incredible Expanding DatabaseFrom: Scott Lagos Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 16:36:31 -0400Nice that you pointed out what isn't causing it Dale, but do you have anexplanation as to why it would be happening?At 12:33 PM 6/26/98 -0700, you wrote:>John Lange wrote:>> >> In the RadiusNT Admin only turn on User & General Debug. Leave ODBC & File>> off. That should help.>>Good thought, but the debug mode doesn't have anything to do with the>database size. :(>>> JOhn :}>> >> At 09:05 AM 6/26/1998 -0700, you wrote:>> >Hi, we are using RadiusNT to authenticate against an MSAccess database. I>> >have noticed that after about 24hours of running this database has grown>> >from about 7MB to over 100MB in size. I have needed to stop the RadiusNT>> >service (not good) and compact/repair the database to return it to a more>> >manageable size.>> >>> >Anybody have an idea what I am doing wrong?>> >>> >Thanks,>> >>> >Jason>> >>> >>> >>> >> John C. Lange, Sr. PALACE dot NET, INC.>> microjl@palacenet.net MICRO-TECH Computers, Inc.>> 608.742.1601 & 6980 2800 New Pinery Road>> http://www.palacenet.net/ Portage, WI 53901>> Visit our online store @ http://www.microt.com/>> Authorized iPSwitch WebVar @ http://www.microt.com/iPSwitch/index.html>> >> --- __o>> --- _-\<,_ Fastest Service in Town>> --- (_)/ (_)>>-- >Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea-software.com)>_________________________________________________________________> IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs> Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.iea-software.com> ..------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.| Message 5 |'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'Subject: Restricting RadiusNT users to RRAS portsFrom: janjic@simt.com.mkDate: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 00:23:36 +0200MS RRAS logs the events on my four V.24 dial-in ports with the portdesignation COM1 - COM4. It is the only NAS I have. RadiusNT 2.2 in textmode runs on a different NT Server.Is there a way to restrict users to particular ports, and if so, pleasesuggest me how.I know that this is more Radius question, not sth. specific to RadiusNT,but unfortunately I am not familiar with the Radius specification.Regards,Predrag JanjicNetworking CoordinatorSIMT d.o.o., SkopjeMacedonia..------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.| Message 6 |'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'Subject: Re: Restricting RadiusNT users to RRAS portsFrom: Dale Reed Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:02:38 -0700janjic@simt.com.mk wrote:> > MS RRAS logs the events on my four V.24 dial-in ports with the port> designation COM1 - COM4. It is the only NAS I have. RadiusNT 2.2 in text> mode runs on a different NT Server.> Is there a way to restrict users to particular ports, and if so, please> suggest me how.> I know that this is more Radius question, not sth. specific to RadiusNT,> but unfortunately I am not familiar with the Radius specification.To restrict a user to specific port, add the NAS-Port attribute tothe first line of the user entry, matching whatever the NAS-Port attribute RRAS sends in the authentication or accounting requests.For example:user Password = "blah", NAS-Port = 2 User-Service = Framed-User Framed-Protocol = PPPand so one with the reply list attributes you want.-- Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea-software.com)_________________________________________________________________ IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.iea-software.com..------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.| Message 7 |'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'Subject: Re: The Incredible Expanding DatabaseFrom: Dale Reed Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:13:28 -0700Scott Lagos wrote:> > Nice that you pointed out what isn't causing it Dale, but do you have an> explanation as to why it would be happening?I didn't want to get into this discussion, because I don't like MSAccess.If you want somethine to catalog your CDs, its a great choice. If youwantto do anything serious with it, its a terrible choice. The engine isjustnot suited for scaleability, multi user interaction, or anything elseyoucould "seriously" want to use it for.Putting a lot of transactions through access makes it grow. Why? IfI knew, I'd definately tell you. Something you could try with RadiusNT2.5 (if you are not doing concurrency control) is to put your callstable in a second MS Access database, and use two DSNs. I'm guessingthat if you have manual calls update, its that which is causing the database to grow. If you split them and its the auth database thatgrows (and is compactable) thats the issue. If its the acct databasethat is the one, then you can look at what RadiusNT is doing with thatdatabase. -- Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea-software.com)_________________________________________________________________ IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.iea-software.com..------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.| Message 8 |'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'Subject: Re: Can't connect to ODBC databaseFrom: Dale Reed Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:22:04 -0700In the future please only send TEST messgaes. HTML messages andattachment are not allowed on the list.> Paul Smith wrote:> > I've entered the authentication information and the DSN, but when I> click the check button it says "check connection failed". I can't see> what I'm doing wrong, although I'm sure it's probably something> simple.Make sure ou have clicked on the Options button of the ODBCconfigurationand specified "Emerald" for the database. > I've started RadiusNT with the -x15 option, and the it's supposed to> go to the "wating for requests stage" but it only gets as far as "1> Client's loaded"Clear the logfile entry in the RadiusNT admin to see everything onthe screen.-- Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea-software.com)_________________________________________________________________ IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.iea-software.com..------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.| Message 9 |'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'Subject: Re:From: Dale Reed Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:27:36 -0700Richard Sensale wrote:> > Hmm this could be a problem for us. We have an arrangement with a gentleman> who resells our service. The way it works is that we bill him for all his> signups and he bills them independantly. We put all of his users in as Sub> account services under his MBR. So we can generate one bill for him with> all of his accounts on it. Juts how many can Emerald handle under one MBR?Its not an issue of what Emerald can handle on one bill, its anissue of manageability at some point in time. I wasn't saying thatEmerald couldn't handle it, I just said it wasn't designed for it.I did point out some early additions we including for those peoplewho wanted to do it, though.> >Actually, Emerald (not the admin, since its not relevant) does have a> >way of handling this. If you uncheck the "load services" it won't> >load them. A hidden feature of Emerlad is to click in the services> >grid and start typing. It will search to the login if you have> >services loaded. Otherwise, if you don't have serices loaded, just> >type the whole name in and hit edit and it will search/load the service.> >> >Emerald isn't designed for having 4000 users under a single MBR.> >Anyone trying to do that should have a Group and put them in as> >services, since thats most likely what you really want to do anyways.-- Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea-software.com)_________________________________________________________________ IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.iea-software.com..------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.| Message 10 |'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'Subject: Re: Restricting RadiusNT users to RRAS portsFrom: rabaut Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 22:45:41 -0400How would you restrict the users to have access to all ports Except one??thanksrabautAt 07:02 PM 6/28/98 -0700, you wrote:>janjic@simt.com.mk wrote:>> >> MS RRAS logs the events on my four V.24 dial-in ports with the port>> designation COM1 - COM4. It is the only NAS I have. RadiusNT 2.2 in text>> mode runs on a different NT Server.>> Is there a way to restrict users to particular ports, and if so, please>> suggest me how.>> I know that this is more Radius question, not sth. specific to RadiusNT,>> but unfortunately I am not familiar with the Radius specification.>>To restrict a user to specific port, add the NAS-Port attribute to>the first line of the user entry, matching whatever the NAS-Port >attribute RRAS sends in the authentication or accounting requests.>For example:>>user Password = "blah", NAS-Port = 2> User-Service = Framed-User> Framed-Protocol = PPP>>and so one with the reply list attributes you want.>>-- >Dale E. Reed Jr. (daler@iea-software.com)>_________________________________________________________________> IEA Software, Inc. | RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs> Internet Solutions for Today | http://www.iea-software.com>>rabaut@hcc.cc.fl.usHillsborough Community CollegeP.O. Box 5096Tampa, Florida 33675-5096