Re: CallsOnline still not working!!

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:44:12 -0700

Peter Mott wrote:
> Nope, no trigger, and I've checked radiusnt.sql and it dont have it there
> from what I can see, will check your site again.

Ok. I updated the script.

> Can you post the CREATE TRIGGER script to list so I can paste it right in?

CREATE TRIGGER calls_insert ON Calls
UPDATE ServerPorts
Set sp.UserName = i.UserName,
sp.AcctStatusType = i.AcctStatusType,
sp.CallDate = DateAdd(Second, 0-i.AcctDelayTime, i.CallDate),
sp.FramedAddress = i.FramedAddress
FROM Servers s, ServerPorts sp, inserted i
WHERE s.IPAddress = i.NASIdentifier AND
s.ServerID = sp.ServerID AND
sp.Port = i.NASPort AND
(DateAdd(Second, 0-i.AcctDelayTime, i.CallDate) >= sp.CallDate OR
sp.CallDate IS NULL)

> >First, make sure you are actually receiving accounting information from
> >your NAS (debug will show requests with an Acct-Status-Type line).
> It creates start and stop records ok

You could have turned Manual Calls update on to achieve the same
function as the trigger.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |