ASP Server Create Object

Misha ( )
Wed, 3 Jun 1998 00:12:15 -0500 (CDT)

> >Does anyone know what cuases this error in ASP?
> >
> >Here is the complete error:
> >
> >Server object error 'ASP 0177:800401f3'
> >Server.CreateObject Failed
> >/asset/loginnow.asp, line 9
> >The call to Server.CreateObject failed. The requested object instance
> >cannot
> >be created.
> Just seeing the error without seeing the code that's failing doesn't give
> one much to go on. Where's the code?

The reason I didnt include it is because this is the seond time it comes
up. Here is the code:



<% recid = Request.QueryString("id") set conntemp=server.createobject("adodb.connection") conntemp.Open "interchange" SQLstmt = "SELECT * FROM tblAssetFields WHERE Id=" & recid Set RS = conntemp.Execute(SQLstmt)%><% if recid<>0 then %>
" height=110>
<% if RS("Hold") = 0 then response.write("This item is available") else response.write("This item is on HOLD") end if %>
<% if RS("Liquidate") = 0 then response.write(" ") else response.write("Marked for liquidation") end if %>
<% if RS("Condition") = "5=Excellent/New" then response.write ("") response.write ("") response.write ("") response.write ("") response.write ("") end if if RS("Condition") = "4=Good, Light touch-up or cleaning needed" then response.write ("") response.write ("") response.write ("") response.write ("") end if if RS("Condition") = "3=Requires some touch-up/reupholstery" then response.write ("") response.write ("") response.write ("") end if if RS("Condition") = "2=Requires substantial touch-up/reupholstery"then response.write ("") response.write ("") end if if RS("Condition") = "1=Damaged beyond repair" then response.write ("") end if %>
Model #:<%=RS("ModelNumber")%>
Serial #:<%=RS("SerialNumber")%>
Misc. #:<%=RS("MiscNumber")%>
Date Aquired:<%=RS("DateAcquired")%>
Disposal Date:<%=RS("DateDisposed")%>
Date Input:<%=RS("DateInput")%>
Last Changed:<%=RS("DateLastChange")%>

Company ID:<%=RS("CompanyID")%>    Assett Category:<%=RS("AssetCategory")%>    Hold:<%=RS("Hold")%>    Liquidate:<%=RS("Liquidate")%><%Else response.Write("Empty")End if%>