Re: SQL back-up question

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Mon, 3 Aug 1998 12:20:48 -0400

> From: Dale E. Reed Jr. <>
> I don't know how relevant it is to backup the master as well. When you
> dump the Emerald database, it includes the portions of the master
> database that are relevant to the Emerald database structure. With
> just the Emerald dump, you can fully restore the database on another
> SQL Server if needed. Restoring the Master Database on another SQL
> server may had side affects or not work (path issues, etc).

I didn't used to backup the master db until recently. I was poking through
"Using MS SQL Server 6.5" (QUE) and it mentioned:
Be sure to back up the Master database. Because this database
includes all information about the other database objects in the
system, having this information is very important in case you
have to restore the entire system and rebuild from scratch.

> Josh Hillman wrote:
> > You should do the same thing for the "master" database (using another
> > backup device). I'd let the backup (diskdump) of "master" run before
> > backing up "Emerald". I have my "master" db get backed up at 3:00am,
> > "Emerald" at 3:15am. If you already created the schedule for your
> > backup, you can change the time if you need to by going into SQL
> > Manager --> Server pull-down menu --> Scheduled Tasks. Double-click on
> > your Emerald backup task and change the time in there.
> >
> > When I run a tape-backup, it backs up the diskdumps. Periodically, I
> > MSSQL Server, and copy the contents of \mssql\data to some other area,
> > restart MSSQL, then run a tape backup--that way I get a backup of the
> > actual database files.

Josh Hillman