Re: Ran out of licenses; need to wipe out old MBRs

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 14:02:20 -0700

Josh Hillman wrote:
> I ran out of licenses yesterday in Emerald and Emerald (2.1.11) locked out
> our staff from going into the program. Luckily, I still had it running on
> another machine so I could use that to clear out a few MBRs that had
> expired back in 96. Unfortunately, that only freed up 10 MBRs, so we're
> just about to run out again.

More things I shouldn't say, but will. I want people to know we
have been working on issues like this. First, I mentioned earlier
that Emerald 2.5 only counts active MBRs. It also doesn't lock you
out when you go over. It will display an annoying message and prevent
you from adding new users, but it will not lock you out. :)

> Is there a decent SQL script that'll perform the same function as hitting
> DELETE in the MBR search screen in Emerald? I'd rather not sit there
> entering in who knows how many old accounts and hitting delete, then
> confirming a few times each time. If this deletes only subaccounts and
> masteraccounts where MasterAccounts.maExpireDate < 7/1/97 and ma.customerid
> = sa.customerid, then I can write the script(s) myself, but I wasn't sure
> if the Delete button had any other effects...

Actually, its much more complicated than that (see below).

> When deleting old MBRs, it has no effect on the following tables, right?:
> Payments
> InvoiceItems
> Charges
> Invoices

Yes, it does. Emerald's database is relational. Therfore, you can't
delete a parent (the MBR) without deleting the related records (you
can't orphan child records, the SQL Server won't allow it). We are
working on ways to resolve this where it will keep the accounting
data but remove the customer information.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |