Re: Calls Online

Alan D. Criado ( (no email) )
Thu, 02 Jul 1998 10:41:27 -0400

Hello Dale.

I'm using a USR Total Control Chassis with Hiper DSP cards.

Below is an exert from my authentication log file from Radius in -X15 mode.

At 11:36 PM 7/1/98 -0700, Dale Reed wrote:
>Alan D. Criado wrote:
>> When I go into Emerald and click on the ON-LINE tab, it does not show who
>> is currently online. I'll click in the UPDATE button, but nothing shows.
>> Any ideas as to what could be wrong?
>Most likely the problem is with your Server Ports configuration. What
>of terminal server are you using? You can run RadiusNT in -x15 debug to
>see what style of NAS-Port numbers it is using and add those to the
>Server in the Server Ports tab.
>Dale E. Reed Jr. (

Initializing Winsock...
ODBC Datasource: 'Emerald'...
Making ODBC Connection...
MS SQL Server Mode Enabled
ODBC Datasource: 'Emerald'...
Making ODBC Connection...
MS SQL Server Mode Enabled
Licensed MBRs: 500
Accounting Column 0 (16): 'NASIdentifier'
Accounting Column 1 (4): 'NASPort'
Accounting Column 2 (10): 'AcctSessionID'
Accounting Column 3 (1): 'AcctStatusType'
Accounting Column 4 (16): 'CallDate'
Accounting Column 5 (32): 'UserName'
Accounting Column 6 (1): 'UserService'
Accounting Column 7 (4): 'AcctDelayTime'
Accounting Column 8 (4): 'AcctSessionTime'
Accounting Column 9 (4): 'FramedProtocol'
Accounting Column 10 (16): 'FramedAddress'
Accounting Column 11 (4): 'AcctInputOctets'
Accounting Column 12 (4): 'AcctOutputOctets'
Accounting Column 13 (1): 'AcctTerminateCause'
Accounting Column 14 (1): 'NASPortType'
Accounting Column 15 (10): 'NASPortDNIS'
16 Accounting Columns Loaded

Enterprise features enabled.

RadiusNT (Emerald Standard) Initialized...

radrecv: Request from host d104c82b code=1, id=144, length=153
User-Name = "sonny"
Challenge-Response =
NAS-Identifier =
NAS-Port = 3846
Vendor-Specific = ""
User-Service = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Vendor-Specific = ""
Vendor-Specific = ""
Vendor-Specific = ""
NAS-Port-DNIS = "9081761"
Caller-Id = "3059442602"
NAS-Port-Type = Async
rad_authenticate_ODBC() Challenge-Response =

SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day,
(ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(),
DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension+1, saExpireDate)), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType,
sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell, sa.LoginLimit From MasterAccounts ma,
SubAccounts sa Where (sa.Login='sonny' or sa.Shell='sonny' or
sa.Email='sonny') AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and sa.Active<>0 and

Checking for duplicate logins.

SQL Statement: RadCheckOnline 'sonny'

sonny found on-line 0 time(s).

SQL Statement: RadGetConfigs 228

Loading radius defaults for this type...

SQL Statement: RadGetATConfigs 'Dialup PPP'

User-Service = Framed-User (2)
Framed-Protocol = PPP (1)
Session-Timeout = 14400 (14400)
Idle-Timeout = 1500 (1500)
Sending Ack of id 144 to d104c82b (USR1) User-Service = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Session-Timeout = 14400
Idle-Timeout = 1500

Resp Time: 100 Auth: 1/0 -> 1 Acct: 37/0/0 -> 37