Re: Help Please - Emerald Client logging into the SQL Database

Graeme Slogrove ( (no email) )
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 09:00:34 +0200

On 24 Jun 98 at 18:46, Andrew Tadros (Kober Enterpri wrote:

> I the emerald clients running on Win95 and windows Nt machines in my
> office . On a dedicated connection to the internet. After a few
> days, I am unable to connect to the database, the only way I can
> correct this is to stop and start SQL Server and then I am okay
> again for another few days.

Try increasing the number of logins allowed on the SQL server. This
may help.

> I am running NT 4.0 and SQl 6.5 both with service pack 3 , I do
> realize this is probrally a SQL problem.

The latest SQL service pack is 4


---Graeme Slogrove, BSc (Eng) Elec (Wits)FastLight Data Distribution cchttp://www.fdd.netTel: +27-(0)11-706-0212   Fax: +27-(0)11-706-0812