Re: radius logins >30

Graeme Slogrove ( (no email) )
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 12:31:11 +0200

On 5 Feb 98 at 9:12, Peter Kauffman wrote:

> During the last two weeks we see this strange error.
> When it's taking place all users are rejected. It dissepears within
> 5 to 15 minutes. We think it has something to do with the number of
> logins. (>30) That the only explanation we have so far. There are no
> other errors or failures.

Sounds like it's possibly a memory problem on the PortMaster - I've
seen this type of problem on the livingston lists. It also may just
need a COM-OS upgrade to the system to sort the problem out.


---Graeme Slogrove, BSc (Eng) Elec (Wits)FastLight Data Distribution cchttp://www.fdd.netTel: +27-(0)11-706-0212   Fax: +27-(0)11-706-0812