Re: K56Flex vs. X2 (Boardwatch article)

Allen Wisor ( )
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 17:25:48 -0600

In 5.0ap42 show users gives incoming but in radius accounting
ascned-data-rate show outgoing. This is how I found this info.

Josh Hillman wrote:
> > From: Allen Wisor <>
> > We have 4000's and 4048's 5.0ap42. We have recorded speeds up to
> > 52000. We have several clients getting 50000 regularly. The
> > average connect speeds are 40000 to 48000. It is rare for our
> > 56k people to get below 40000 ( that is if they get 56k, we all
> > know about the problems we PBX's and antiquated bell c.o.'s).
> Out of curiosity, how were you finding out the users' download speeds with
> 5.0Ap42? Radius only sent the user's upload speed (Ascend-Data-Rate) and
> the "show users" command either did the same thing or didn't display the
> modem speed at all. 5.0Ai13 (and later incremental releases) displayed the
> info, but the patch versions never did. 6.0.x displays everything (initial
> send/receive speeds relative to the Max, as well as modem slot and card
> numbers) in the "show users" command as well as the radius stop records and
> syslog.
> The only way I ever found a way of finding out send/receive,
> initial/highest speeds for any given call (5.0Apxx) was to wach it
> disconnect while in diagnostics mode, enabling "modemdiag". Unfortunately,
> none of that info ever gets logged anywhere.
> Of course another way of finding out initial user-download speeds was
> simply hearing that customer say that they connected at 48000 or
> whatever...
> Josh Hillman
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