Re: Crystal Reporting of ALL Invoices

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Sun, 22 Mar 1998 19:20:51 -0800

Webjogger wrote:
> I just made a Crystal Report (5.0) which is supposed to list every single
> invoice ever generated by Emerald.
> (I'm doing this to have a hard copy record of where my revenue is coming
> from, even if I delete an MBR and all of its associated invoice records).
> The report works well, except some invoices don't appear. These invoices
> appear when I look them up in Emerald, so I know the data is in the
> database somewhere. Some of these invoices are VOIDs, some are open
> (unpaid) renewals, some are open invoices.
> The databases and links included in the report are:
> InvoiceItems Invoices MasterAccounts Payments
> ------------------ ----------- -----------------------
> ---------------
> InvoiceID--------->InvoiceID
> CustomerID----->CustomerID----------------->CustomerID
> There are no selection guidelines which govern the report.
> Does anyone know why some invoices might not be included in the report?

Payments should be linked via PaymentID to InvoiceItems, not CustomerID
to MasterAccounts.
