Re: Bintec-Support / Emerald-Radius

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Mon, 15 Dec 1997 13:26:01 -0800

> Waldemar Born wrote:
> I have a question about the Radius-Database in Emerald: Do I have to change
> the RadAttributes and RadValues of the Emerald-Database to fit the
> Bintec-Dictionary?
> I noticed that the Radius-Server sent an ok the login-request comming from an
> Bianca/Brick-XS with Revision 4.6.4. According to the Bintec dictionary it
> should not work, because Bintec uses e.g. "User-Password" or "Framed" wich
> differ from Emeralds dictionary.

The RADIUS protocol has no idea what an attribute NAME is, nor
does it care. All RADIUS attributes use numbers in the protocol
itself, so those are the only things that matter.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |