radius & access 97

Mike ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 14:04:24 -0400

I'm getting this error:

ODBC: SQLExecDirect Error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Driver] You can't add or change a
record b
ecause a related record is required in table 'Servers'.

My Servers table has 3 fields "Server" "IPAddress" "Secret" with "lrs1" in
"" in "IPAddress" and my secret in "Secret"

Here's a capture from radius:

Param: Debug Level: 15
Param: ODBC Only Enabled
Param: ODBC Concurrency level: 27
Initializing Winsock...
ODBC Datasource: 'Radius'...
Allocating ODBC Henv...
Allocating ODBC Connect...
Making ODBC Connection...
MS Access Mode Enabled
Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: Select Name, RadAttributeID, Type From RadAttributes

SQL Statement: Select ra.Name, rv.Name, rv.Value From RadValues rv,
RadAttributes ra Where rv.RadAttributeID = ra.RadAttributeId

Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: Select Server, IPAddress, Secret From Servers

Client:localhost: secret removed
Client:lrs1: secret removed
Allocating Statement...
Accounting Column 0: 'NASIdentifier'
Accounting Column 1: 'NASPort'
Accounting Column 2: 'AcctSessionId'
Accounting Column 3: 'AcctStatusType'
Accounting Column 4: 'CallDate'
Accounting Column 5: 'UserName'
Accounting Column 6: 'AcctAuthentic'
Accounting Column 7: 'UserService'
Accounting Column 8: 'AcctSessionTime'
Accounting Column 9: 'FramedProtocol'
Accounting Column 10: 'FramedAddress'
Accounting Column 11: 'AcctInputOctets'
Accounting Column 12: 'AcctOutputOctets'
Accounting Column 13: 'NASPortType'
Accounting Column 14: 'ClientPortDNIS'

Radius NT is ready to receive requests!
radrecv: Request from host d004d23f code=1, id=6, length=68

User-Name = "mike"
Password = "\213\264\271w\343K\311QveS\303\243xV\365"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-Port-Type = Async
NAS-Identifier = "lrs1"
User-Service = 7

Password = "\213\264\271w\343K\311QveS\303\243xV\365"
Decrypted Password: mek
Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: Select DateAdd('d', ma.extension, maExpireDate),
DateAdd('d', ma.extension, maExpireDate), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType,
sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell From MasterAccounts ma, SubAccounts sa
Where (sa.Login='mike' or sa.Shell='mike') AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID
and sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0

Database Password: mek
Freeing SQL Statement...
Checking for duplicate logins.
Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: Select Count(*) from CallsOnline Where UserName='mike' and

mike found on-line 0 time(s).
Freeing SQL Statement...
Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: Select ra.RadAttributeID, Name, Data, Value, Type From
RadConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra Where ra.RadAttributeID=rc.RadAttributeID
AND rc.AccountID=2

Freeing SQL Statement...
Loading radius defaults for this type...
Allocating Statement...
Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: Select ra.RadAttributeID, Name, Data, Value, Type From
RadATConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra Where
ra.RadAttributeID=rc.RadAttributeID AND rc.AccountType='PPP'

Framed-Protocol = PPP (1)
User-Service = Framed-User (2)
Session-Timeout = 7200 (7200)
Freeing SQL Statement...
Sending Ack of id 6 to d004d23f (lrs1)

Framed-Protocol = PPP
User-Service = Framed-User
Session-Timeout = 7200

Response Time: 111
radrecv: Request from host d004d23f code=4, id=7, length=134

Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Session-Id = "0000026583"
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
User-Name = "mike"
NAS-Identifier = "lrs1"
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-Port-Type = Async
User-Service = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-Address =
Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen
Framed-MTU = 1500
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
Framed-Compression = 2
Framed-IPX-Network = 0
Framed-AppleTalk-Network = 0
Idle-Timeout = 600
Session-Timeout = 7200
Allocating Statement...

SQL Statement: INSERT INTO Calls
tType,UserService,FramedProtocol,FramedAddress) VALUES

Sending Accounting Ack of id 7 to d004d23f (lrs1)

Mike K
NetDotCom Internet Services