Re: Anonymous Virtual FTP

BA ( )
Sun, 01 Jun 1997 11:51:06 -0500

I used to use MS IIS for FTP and have recently switched to Serv-U FTP
server which is only $25 per copy. Has loads of features too.

On Sun, 01 Jun 1997 00:27:45 -0700, Chuck Scott so eloquently wrote:

>I have recently started hosting virtual domains, and everything has gone=
smooth. I do have a customer who is asking for his own anonymous FTP =
account and haven't quite figured out how to accomplish this. Has anyone=
had any luck? My first attempt erased my root FTP account and replaced =
it with the virtual one I created. OOPS !! Any help would be =
appreciated !!!!
><bold><italic>Chuck Scott
>General Manager
></italic><bigger>I N T E G R I T Y O N L I N E
></bigger></bold><italic> "A Cleaner Internet Service"
></bold> 503.649.3001
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