Re: Need help with unix passwd file

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Thu, 03 Jul 1997 00:57:17 -0700

Kurt Schafer wrote:
> When I performed a sample login, it appears to have hashed the password and
> compared it to the encrypted password in the passwd file but they did not
> match. I'm thinking our former admin might have played with the hash
> routine on our unix box ?

Its standard MD5 one-way hash. I have used entries from linux,
and solaris without a problem. If you are using a shadow file, you need
the shadow file, not the passwd file.

> If you could make some suggestions I would appreciate it. I've got Emerald
> 2.2.31 installed from the Beta directory (the one with the roaming servers
> options) as well as the RadiusNT from the same directory.

See the RadiusNT 2.2 documentation. Its the Options registry entry or
command line option. It shows:

Set many flags or options of RadiusNT, mostly dealing with
concurrency control. Add up all options you wish
to use:

1 Concurrency Lockout 2 Manual CallsOnline

4 Enable TimeLeft bank 8 Manual
SubAccounts Update

16 MS Access Mode 32 Ascend Max Time

64 Variable Login Limit 128 External
Password Replace

256 Server Port Access 512 Account Start
Records Only

For example, if you are using MS Access
and want concurrency
control, you might use "radius -o -R19"


The new RadiusNT admin has all of these in it, but you would want to add
128 to your
options registry entry.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  (       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs Internet Solutions for Today  |