Re: Radius ODBC Access

Serge Stein/i2Tech ( )
3 Feb 97 20:07:43 EDT

James A. Tucker wrote:
> I'm receiving the same error. Dale what should the user entry be for
> accessing the odbc database? I know for UNIX passwd it's password =
> "unix". I know in the clients.example file that this is set for DEFAULT .
> This is great for importing our existing users. :-) I want to add a ODBC
> database using the sample access database you supplied for all new
> accounts. How do I configure the radius user file to look in DEFAULT
> (passwd) first, then look in ODBC (access database), second? I didn't see
> an example for ODBC in the clients.example file.

You can't. in -b mode RadiusNT will ALWAYS looks in the ODBC first.
Upon not finding a match, it will look in the users file (and eventually
your DEFAULT). Therefore as you add the users into the database, their
new account is used, and not their old one.

You may also be mis-understanding how ODBC works. ODBC is a SEPERATE
list of users, like the users file is. You can use ODBC, you can use
the users file, or you can use both. You do NOT have an entry in the
users file to tell RadiusNT to check ODBC for a certain user or
default. In ODBC only mode, NO text files are used at all. All the
information (including dicitonary, NAS, clients, users, etc) come
from the DB.

-- Dale E. Reed Jr.  ( Internet Engineering Associates   |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs  Internet Solutions for Today     | Mailing list (