Re: Multiple Usernames with Different Passwords??

Tony Schwartz ( )
Thu, 01 May 1997 07:22:01 -0700

>> We want multiple users with the same names (due to acquisitions) but
>> differing passwds.
>> username passwd
>> bob bob1
>> bob bob3
>> bob bob4
>Checking the code, only the last one is actually used. It cycles
>all the names, and uses the results of the last one. I'll see about
>changing this behavior or making it confgurable.

Cool.... Not to be too pushy... But, any idea how long that might be??
It appears that it would simply require an SQL change.. I did some testing
and I see that the top SQL statement is generated currently. If the WHERE
statement was changed by adding the Password into the query as in the AFTER
query it will provide only the one that matches and will have no need to
search through the output.

Can you put that into the code or do you see another potential problem with

Thanks again for your help.


SELECT DateAdd('d',ma.extension,maExpireDate) AS Expr1,
DateAdd('d',ma.extension,maExpireDate) AS Expr2, sa.AccountID,
sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell
FROM MasterAccounts AS ma, SubAccounts AS sa
WHERE (((sa.Login)='myusername') AND ((ma.CustomerID)=[sa].[CustomerID])
AND ((sa.Active)<>0) AND ((ma.Active)<>0)) OR (((sa.Shell)='myusername')
AND ((ma.CustomerID)=[sa].[CustomerID]) AND ((sa.Active)<>0) AND

SELECT DateAdd('d',ma.extension,maExpireDate) AS Expr1,
DateAdd('d',ma.extension,maExpireDate) AS Expr2, sa.AccountID,
sa.AccountType, sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell
FROM MasterAccounts AS ma, SubAccounts AS sa
WHERE (((sa.Login)='myusername') AND ((sa.Password)='mypasswd') AND
((ma.CustomerID)=[sa].[CustomerID]) AND ((sa.Active)<>0) AND
((ma.Active)<>0)) OR (((sa.Shell)='myusername') AND
((ma.CustomerID)=[sa].[CustomerID]) AND ((sa.Active)<>0) AND